Tiny Cycle Tips That Make A Big Difference

Posted on: 26th July 2018

Tiny cycling tips for cyclists of all sizes


Whether you’re going on your first cycle without stabilisers or about to head off on a day’s ride with friends or family, what stays the same is the need to be safe on your bike. With this in mind, we’ve created some important safety tips with the help of our pint-sized cycling experts and British Cycling.


Each video looks at a different part of bike safety in a fun, yet informative way, for young and old alike. The first one below is all about why you should make sure your tyres are properly inflated. Take it away Amelia…




Next, it’s Amelia again. This time she’s explaining all about why you need to get your saddle height right and how best to do it. With a little help from her dad that is!




Now you’ve learnt about saddle height, it’s over to 7-year old Bailey who’s demonstrating the essential M-Check. This is probably the most important one you can do before jumping on your bike, so make sure you’re giving him your full attention!




We all know that helmets are important but it’s no good wearing a helmet if it doesn’t fit properly.

Bailey is going to give you some top tips that you can teach your little ones…plus there is one little test, called the Shaky Wobble Test that simply MUST be tried!




Last and by no means least, Bailey is going to show you how to make sure you’ve got your helmet on right. After all, it’s always better safe than sorry – especially when it comes to protecting your head.