Dan Heathcote got in touch with Soreen a few weeks back to tell us about his marathons so we decided to send him out some goodies. Dan then wrote this blog....
I have my place in the Ladybower 50 Mile Ultra Marathon. I maybe a little mad to consider running 50 miles in one go but I suppose if anyone can do it I can. Its going to take some serious training to get to the stage where running 6 or 7 hours straight is normal. Nutrition is the key, as well as mental strength. I already have base fitness and halfway there with the mental strength. My choice of fuel as always is Maltloaf by Soreen. I wrote to these guys to see if they had anything in the office they could send my way and was surprised when a big box turned up with a running vest, all the flavours of Maltloaf (including my favourite banana one) a t shirt and some pens. A great help and got me fuelled up for my training run of 13 miles yesterday a piece beforehand and one during. Fantastic!
So over the next few months I’ll be keeping the blog up to date with my progress and next month will announce my chosen charity who i shall run for.
Keep on running
To see more from Dan please check out his blog here: http://peakrunning.org/2012/01/09/the-ultra-marathon-powered-by-soreen/